Friday 13 April 2012

Kruger National Park – South Africa’s Safari Gem

Kruger National Park
When many people think of South Africa, the first thing that comes to mind is the word Safari. The mere mention of such an adventure engenders a feeling of excitement, unexpected events, and the beauty and power of nature. There are many national parks and private resorts that offer African safaris, but the single most unique adventure destination is Kruger National Park. Offering both self-guided and group tours, these safaris give visitors a fantastic opportunity to see the wonders of Africa at their own pace without the pressures of a group. There are several privately owned resorts nearby and, together, these create one of the greatest safari destinations in the world. 

Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park is easy to get to and easy to maneuver. With the option of taking a private vehicle into the park, a luxury that is not offered most places, Kruger National Park gives visitors a great opportunity to plan a unique safari designed around the individual. Developed in 1898 in accordance with the South African Wildlife Protection Act, this park is home to hundreds of different mammals and diverse flora. Considered the flagship of South African national parks, Kruger has excitement for visitors of all lifestyles and ages. Because of its popularity, Kruger does have a limit to the number of visitors and vehicles allowed into the park daily. For this reason, it is a good idea to pre-book your visit whether you are planning to stay the night or just looking for a day trip.

Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park is easy to maneuver. Maps and well-marked trails assist visitors in finding the attractions most important to them. Additionally, there are other day trip options, such as the park and ride option. With this, visitors can bring their own vehicle, park, and then hop onto one of the many tours visiting the most popular animal-viewing locations and have the added benefit of a tour guide. This provides a great way to become oriented with the park and visitors can then return to their favorite destinations later in the day. Guided tours also have the added benefit of knowing where the animals will actually be and providing information on the habitat and habits of the animals. Of course, if a personal vehicle is being used for the safari, it is important to adhere to the park rules such as staying in the vehicle, refraining from leaving the marked paths, and other hazards that might endanger the wildlife or the visitor. Safety is of the utmost importance, for the benefit of both the visitors and the wildlife.   

Kruger National Park
Visitors that desire to stay overnight have many options. From camping in a traditional setting to staying in a tree house designed for such an adventure, finding accommodation is easy. Luxury resorts are also available for those that do not have the desire to “rough it” and there are friendly employees available to assist in making the right accommodations decision based on the individual needs of the visitor.

Another option is to stay at a private game reserve adjacent to Kruger.  These more luxurious and expensive alternatives offer guided tours have the benefit of a more private experience - smaller groups, private escorts, and fence lines designed to keep the animals in specific locations guarantee the spotting of the wildlife.
Kruger National Park
When choosing a safari location, consider Kruger National Park. With a reputation for being the best in the business, this location will provide excitement, adventure, and a great time for visitors of all ages.

*Written by Guest Writer Ted Martens, who writes for Natural Habitat Adventures, a travel company specializing in Africa safaris

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